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Hotels Near NASA
Space Center

Find Sonesta Hotels Near NASA Space Center

Discover stays for every kind of traveler and budget at Sonesta hotels near NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. Nestle into your spacious room or suite and make the most of our thoughtfully curated amenities, including in-suite kitchens, high-speed Wi-Fi, on-site laundry facilities, and gyms – to name a few. Explore our hotels near NASA Johnson Space Center to find the ideal location, amenities, and rates.

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Hotels in Houston

Discover all our convenient hotel options in Houston.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About Our Hotels Near NASA Space Center in Houston

Many of our hotels near NASA Space Center offer convenient and affordable on-site parking starting.

Enjoy complimentary parking at:

Visit the hotel pages for more information on parking fees and facilities.

Enjoy a swim in one of our pools at:

Please visit the hotel pages for more information on pool hours and availability.

Sonesta hotels are designed for every kind of traveler, from your youngest to your oldest family members. Enjoy generously sized family-friendly rooms and suites in convenient locations along with amenities designed to make you feel well cared for, such as free breakfast, fitness centers, laundry facilities, and pools.

Discover spacious, apartment-style suites with kitchens at Sonesta Simply Suites Houston - NASA Clear Lake.

Looking for more options? Explore our hotels with kitchens and kitchenettes in Houston.

Visit the hotel pages for more information on our in-suite kitchens and kitchenettes.

Sonesta hotels are pet friendly and look forward to hosting your cuddly companion.

Discover our pet-friendly stays in Houston.

Please visit the hotel page to review its pet policy and fees before booking your stay. For more information about pet-friendly stays at Sonesta, visit our corporate Pets Are Welcome at Sonesta (PAWS) policy.

With spacious rooms and suites and amenities such as complimentary Wi-Fi, fitness centers, laundry facilities, and pools, Sonesta hotels are an ideal choice for corporate visitors and business travelers. Visit the hotel pages for the complete list of the available amenities, services, and offers.

Discover Sonesta Travel Pass loyalty program. Enroll in our loyalty program to unlock special discounts and benefits for your future reservations. Turn business into pleasure at Sonesta.

Discover special weekly and monthly rates, residence-style suites with fully fitted kitchens, and everything you need for a homelike, long-term stay at our extended stays in Houston.

Our hotels offer excellent value for every budget.

Explore our current offers for additional savings opportunities.

Sonesta’s conveniently located hotels offer easy access to a variety of popular local attractions including:

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Premier institution for aeronautics and aviation education, preparing students for careers in aerospace industries
  • University of Houston - Clear Lake: Respected university offering diverse programs in science, engineering, and business
  • Nassau Bay Peninsula Wildlife Trail: A 76-acre wetland area with an extensive nature trail, offering opportunities for birdwatching and glimpses of alligators from safe viewing platforms
  • Bay Area Museum: A museum showcasing Bay Area's maritime history, aerospace contributions, and community heritage in Seabrook, TX